Smartman e Koinè una partnership per il mercato asiatico
We are delighted to inform that Koinè Global Consulting Pte. Ltd. and Smart-man s.r.l. have signed a mutual agreement in the field of companies’ internationalization. The agreement will ensure entrepreneurs based in Europe to access partners’ scouting, feasibility studies, distributors search and all those services related to open up new local organizations in the main Asian countries, with the aim to provide a comprehensive service to those companies who are looking to expand their interests in new markets and new products in Asia.
Both Koinè and Smart-Man will be happy to support those companies who want to explore a wider market extension as well as partners research in a global perspective. We are also happy to inform that Koinè and Smart-Man together can act as the T.E.M. Temporary Export Manager as indicated by the Italian MISE (Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico).
Koinè is a reputable consultancy company based in Singapore with a proven record of activities in the field of industrial support. Koinè operates providing tailored solutions to the client needs gained in many multicultural, multinational and complex organizations around the world. Koinè can be distinguished from other advisory companies as it offers projects specifically designed to accomplish the clients’ needs.